JPEG SOF-2 Progressive Mode Decoding [NEW INFO]

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JPEG SOF-2 Progressive Mode Decoding [NEW INFO]

Post by doga-1494 »

Here is decoding one huffmantables file also :)

I found that code, probably we have to work on huffman tables which decodes in progressive mode..
I found the code below from JIG(jpeglib)'s old versions. I think we can use that and port it into visopsys easily.
I think i should share this codes via pastebin but i don't have access to that site.Because of my country's things.
Anyway that file probably explains about decoding Progressive SOF-2 JPEG FILE :)

Hope i can help you :)

Code: Select all

//	Note : this file is included as part of the Smaller Animals Software
//	JpegFile package. Though this file has not been modified from it's 
//	original IJG 6a form, it is not the responsibility on the Independent
//	JPEG Group to answer questions regarding this code.
//	Any questions you have about this code should be addressed to :
//	CHRISDL@PAGESZ.NET	- the distributor of this package.
//	Remember, by including this code in the JpegFile package, Smaller 
//	Animals Software assumes all responsibilities for answering questions
//	about it. If we (SA Software) can't answer your questions ourselves, we 
//	will direct you to people who can.
//	Thanks, CDL.

 * jdphuff.c
 * Copyright (C) 1995-1996, Thomas G. Lane.
 * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
 * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
 * This file contains Huffman entropy decoding routines for progressive JPEG.
 * Much of the complexity here has to do with supporting input suspension.
 * If the data source module demands suspension, we want to be able to back
 * up to the start of the current MCU.  To do this, we copy state variables
 * into local working storage, and update them back to the permanent
 * storage only upon successful completion of an MCU.

#include "jinclude.h"
#include "jpeglib.h"
#include "jdhuff.h"		/* Declarations shared with jdhuff.c */


 * Expanded entropy decoder object for progressive Huffman decoding.
 * The savable_state subrecord contains fields that change within an MCU,
 * but must not be updated permanently until we complete the MCU.

typedef struct {
  unsigned int EOBRUN;			/* remaining EOBs in EOBRUN */
  int last_dc_val[MAX_COMPS_IN_SCAN];	/* last DC coef for each component */
} savable_state;

/* This macro is to work around compilers with missing or broken
 * structure assignment.  You'll need to fix this code if you have
 * such a compiler and you change MAX_COMPS_IN_SCAN.

#define ASSIGN_STATE(dest,src)  ((dest) = (src))
#define ASSIGN_STATE(dest,src)  \
	((dest).EOBRUN = (src).EOBRUN, \
	 (dest).last_dc_val[0] = (src).last_dc_val[0], \
	 (dest).last_dc_val[1] = (src).last_dc_val[1], \
	 (dest).last_dc_val[2] = (src).last_dc_val[2], \
	 (dest).last_dc_val[3] = (src).last_dc_val[3])

typedef struct {
  struct jpeg_entropy_decoder pub; /* public fields */

  /* These fields are loaded into local variables at start of each MCU.
   * In case of suspension, we exit WITHOUT updating them.
  bitread_perm_state bitstate;	/* Bit buffer at start of MCU */
  savable_state saved;		/* Other state at start of MCU */

  /* These fields are NOT loaded into local working state. */
  unsigned int restarts_to_go;	/* MCUs left in this restart interval */

  /* Pointers to derived tables (these workspaces have image lifespan) */
  d_derived_tbl * derived_tbls[NUM_HUFF_TBLS];

  d_derived_tbl * ac_derived_tbl; /* active table during an AC scan */
} phuff_entropy_decoder;

typedef phuff_entropy_decoder * phuff_entropy_ptr;

/* Forward declarations */
METHODDEF(boolean) decode_mcu_DC_first JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
					    JBLOCKROW *MCU_data));
METHODDEF(boolean) decode_mcu_AC_first JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
					    JBLOCKROW *MCU_data));
METHODDEF(boolean) decode_mcu_DC_refine JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
					     JBLOCKROW *MCU_data));
METHODDEF(boolean) decode_mcu_AC_refine JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
					     JBLOCKROW *MCU_data));

 * Initialize for a Huffman-compressed scan.

start_pass_phuff_decoder (j_decompress_ptr cinfo)
  phuff_entropy_ptr entropy = (phuff_entropy_ptr) cinfo->entropy;
  boolean is_DC_band, bad;
  int ci, coefi, tbl;
  int *coef_bit_ptr;
  jpeg_component_info * compptr;

  is_DC_band = (cinfo->Ss == 0);

  /* Validate scan parameters */
  bad = FALSE;
  if (is_DC_band) {
    if (cinfo->Se != 0)
      bad = TRUE;
  } else {
    /* need not check Ss/Se < 0 since they came from unsigned bytes */
    if (cinfo->Ss > cinfo->Se || cinfo->Se >= DCTSIZE2)
      bad = TRUE;
    /* AC scans may have only one component */
    if (cinfo->comps_in_scan != 1)
      bad = TRUE;
  if (cinfo->Ah != 0) {
    /* Successive approximation refinement scan: must have Al = Ah-1. */
    if (cinfo->Al != cinfo->Ah-1)
      bad = TRUE;
  if (cinfo->Al > 13)		/* need not check for < 0 */
    bad = TRUE;
  if (bad)
	     cinfo->Ss, cinfo->Se, cinfo->Ah, cinfo->Al);
  /* Update progression status, and verify that scan order is legal.
   * Note that inter-scan inconsistencies are treated as warnings
   * not fatal errors ... not clear if this is right way to behave.
  for (ci = 0; ci < cinfo->comps_in_scan; ci++) {
    int cindex = cinfo->cur_comp_info[ci]->component_index;
    coef_bit_ptr = & cinfo->coef_bits[cindex][0];
    if (!is_DC_band && coef_bit_ptr[0] < 0) /* AC without prior DC scan */
      WARNMS2(cinfo, JWRN_BOGUS_PROGRESSION, cindex, 0);
    for (coefi = cinfo->Ss; coefi <= cinfo->Se; coefi++) {
      int expected = (coef_bit_ptr[coefi] < 0) ? 0 : coef_bit_ptr[coefi];
      if (cinfo->Ah != expected)
	WARNMS2(cinfo, JWRN_BOGUS_PROGRESSION, cindex, coefi);
      coef_bit_ptr[coefi] = cinfo->Al;

  /* Select MCU decoding routine */
  if (cinfo->Ah == 0) {
    if (is_DC_band)
      entropy->pub.decode_mcu = decode_mcu_DC_first;
      entropy->pub.decode_mcu = decode_mcu_AC_first;
  } else {
    if (is_DC_band)
      entropy->pub.decode_mcu = decode_mcu_DC_refine;
      entropy->pub.decode_mcu = decode_mcu_AC_refine;

  for (ci = 0; ci < cinfo->comps_in_scan; ci++) {
    compptr = cinfo->cur_comp_info[ci];
    /* Make sure requested tables are present, and compute derived tables.
     * We may build same derived table more than once, but it's not expensive.
    if (is_DC_band) {
      if (cinfo->Ah == 0) {	/* DC refinement needs no table */
	tbl = compptr->dc_tbl_no;
	if (tbl < 0 || tbl >= NUM_HUFF_TBLS ||
	    cinfo->dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[tbl] == NULL)
	  ERREXIT1(cinfo, JERR_NO_HUFF_TABLE, tbl);
	jpeg_make_d_derived_tbl(cinfo, cinfo->dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[tbl],
				& entropy->derived_tbls[tbl]);
    } else {
      tbl = compptr->ac_tbl_no;
      if (tbl < 0 || tbl >= NUM_HUFF_TBLS ||
          cinfo->ac_huff_tbl_ptrs[tbl] == NULL)
        ERREXIT1(cinfo, JERR_NO_HUFF_TABLE, tbl);
      jpeg_make_d_derived_tbl(cinfo, cinfo->ac_huff_tbl_ptrs[tbl],
			      & entropy->derived_tbls[tbl]);
      /* remember the single active table */
      entropy->ac_derived_tbl = entropy->derived_tbls[tbl];
    /* Initialize DC predictions to 0 */
    entropy->saved.last_dc_val[ci] = 0;

  /* Initialize bitread state variables */
  entropy->bitstate.bits_left = 0;
  entropy->bitstate.get_buffer = 0; /* unnecessary, but keeps Purify quiet */
  entropy->bitstate.printed_eod = FALSE;

  /* Initialize private state variables */
  entropy->saved.EOBRUN = 0;

  /* Initialize restart counter */
  entropy->restarts_to_go = cinfo->restart_interval;

 * Figure F.12: extend sign bit.
 * On some machines, a shift and add will be faster than a table lookup.


#define HUFF_EXTEND(x,s)  ((x) < (1<<((s)-1)) ? (x) + (((-1)<<(s)) + 1) : (x))


#define HUFF_EXTEND(x,s)  ((x) < extend_test[s] ? (x) + extend_offset[s] : (x))

static const int extend_test[16] =   /* entry n is 2**(n-1) */
  { 0, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0004, 0x0008, 0x0010, 0x0020, 0x0040, 0x0080,
    0x0100, 0x0200, 0x0400, 0x0800, 0x1000, 0x2000, 0x4000 };

static const int extend_offset[16] = /* entry n is (-1 << n) + 1 */
  { 0, ((-1)<<1) + 1, ((-1)<<2) + 1, ((-1)<<3) + 1, ((-1)<<4) + 1,
    ((-1)<<5) + 1, ((-1)<<6) + 1, ((-1)<<7) + 1, ((-1)<<8) + 1,
    ((-1)<<9) + 1, ((-1)<<10) + 1, ((-1)<<11) + 1, ((-1)<<12) + 1,
    ((-1)<<13) + 1, ((-1)<<14) + 1, ((-1)<<15) + 1 };

#endif /* AVOID_TABLES */

 * Check for a restart marker & resynchronize decoder.
 * Returns FALSE if must suspend.

process_restart (j_decompress_ptr cinfo)
  phuff_entropy_ptr entropy = (phuff_entropy_ptr) cinfo->entropy;
  int ci;

  /* Throw away any unused bits remaining in bit buffer; */
  /* include any full bytes in next_marker's count of discarded bytes */
  cinfo->marker->discarded_bytes += entropy->bitstate.bits_left / 8;
  entropy->bitstate.bits_left = 0;

  /* Advance past the RSTn marker */
  if (! (*cinfo->marker->read_restart_marker) (cinfo))
    return FALSE;

  /* Re-initialize DC predictions to 0 */
  for (ci = 0; ci < cinfo->comps_in_scan; ci++)
    entropy->saved.last_dc_val[ci] = 0;
  /* Re-init EOB run count, too */
  entropy->saved.EOBRUN = 0;

  /* Reset restart counter */
  entropy->restarts_to_go = cinfo->restart_interval;

  /* Next segment can get another out-of-data warning */
  entropy->bitstate.printed_eod = FALSE;

  return TRUE;

 * Huffman MCU decoding.
 * Each of these routines decodes and returns one MCU's worth of
 * Huffman-compressed coefficients. 
 * The coefficients are reordered from zigzag order into natural array order,
 * but are not dequantized.
 * The i'th block of the MCU is stored into the block pointed to by
 * We return FALSE if data source requested suspension.  In that case no
 * changes have been made to permanent state.  (Exception: some output
 * coefficients may already have been assigned.  This is harmless for
 * spectral selection, since we'll just re-assign them on the next call.
 * Successive approximation AC refinement has to be more careful, however.)

 * MCU decoding for DC initial scan (either spectral selection,
 * or first pass of successive approximation).

decode_mcu_DC_first (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, JBLOCKROW *MCU_data)
  phuff_entropy_ptr entropy = (phuff_entropy_ptr) cinfo->entropy;
  int Al = cinfo->Al;
  register int s, r;
  int blkn, ci;
  JBLOCKROW block;
  savable_state state;
  d_derived_tbl * tbl;
  jpeg_component_info * compptr;

  /* Process restart marker if needed; may have to suspend */
  if (cinfo->restart_interval) {
    if (entropy->restarts_to_go == 0)
      if (! process_restart(cinfo))
	return FALSE;

  /* Load up working state */
  ASSIGN_STATE(state, entropy->saved);

  /* Outer loop handles each block in the MCU */

  for (blkn = 0; blkn < cinfo->blocks_in_MCU; blkn++) {
    block = MCU_data[blkn];
    ci = cinfo->MCU_membership[blkn];
    compptr = cinfo->cur_comp_info[ci];
    tbl = entropy->derived_tbls[compptr->dc_tbl_no];

    /* Decode a single block's worth of coefficients */

    /* Section F.2.2.1: decode the DC coefficient difference */
    HUFF_DECODE(s, br_state, tbl, return FALSE, label1);
    if (s) {
      CHECK_BIT_BUFFER(br_state, s, return FALSE);
      r = GET_BITS(s);
      s = HUFF_EXTEND(r, s);

    /* Convert DC difference to actual value, update last_dc_val */
    s += state.last_dc_val[ci];
    state.last_dc_val[ci] = s;
    /* Scale and output the DC coefficient (assumes jpeg_natural_order[0]=0) */
    (*block)[0] = (JCOEF) (s << Al);

  /* Completed MCU, so update state */
  ASSIGN_STATE(entropy->saved, state);

  /* Account for restart interval (no-op if not using restarts) */

  return TRUE;

 * MCU decoding for AC initial scan (either spectral selection,
 * or first pass of successive approximation).

decode_mcu_AC_first (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, JBLOCKROW *MCU_data)
  phuff_entropy_ptr entropy = (phuff_entropy_ptr) cinfo->entropy;
  int Se = cinfo->Se;
  int Al = cinfo->Al;
  register int s, k, r;
  unsigned int EOBRUN;
  JBLOCKROW block;
  d_derived_tbl * tbl;

  /* Process restart marker if needed; may have to suspend */
  if (cinfo->restart_interval) {
    if (entropy->restarts_to_go == 0)
      if (! process_restart(cinfo))
	return FALSE;

  /* Load up working state.
   * We can avoid loading/saving bitread state if in an EOB run.
  EOBRUN = entropy->saved.EOBRUN; /* only part of saved state we care about */

  /* There is always only one block per MCU */

  if (EOBRUN > 0)		/* if it's a band of zeroes... */
    EOBRUN--;			/* ...process it now (we do nothing) */
  else {
    block = MCU_data[0];
    tbl = entropy->ac_derived_tbl;

    for (k = cinfo->Ss; k <= Se; k++) {
      HUFF_DECODE(s, br_state, tbl, return FALSE, label2);
      r = s >> 4;
      s &= 15;
      if (s) {
        k += r;
        CHECK_BIT_BUFFER(br_state, s, return FALSE);
        r = GET_BITS(s);
        s = HUFF_EXTEND(r, s);
	/* Scale and output coefficient in natural (dezigzagged) order */
        (*block)[jpeg_natural_order[k]] = (JCOEF) (s << Al);
      } else {
        if (r == 15) {		/* ZRL */
          k += 15;		/* skip 15 zeroes in band */
        } else {		/* EOBr, run length is 2^r + appended bits */
          EOBRUN = 1 << r;
          if (r) {		/* EOBr, r > 0 */
	    CHECK_BIT_BUFFER(br_state, r, return FALSE);
            r = GET_BITS(r);
            EOBRUN += r;
	  EOBRUN--;		/* this band is processed at this moment */
	  break;		/* force end-of-band */


  /* Completed MCU, so update state */
  entropy->saved.EOBRUN = EOBRUN; /* only part of saved state we care about */

  /* Account for restart interval (no-op if not using restarts) */

  return TRUE;

 * MCU decoding for DC successive approximation refinement scan.
 * Note: we assume such scans can be multi-component, although the spec
 * is not very clear on the point.

decode_mcu_DC_refine (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, JBLOCKROW *MCU_data)
  phuff_entropy_ptr entropy = (phuff_entropy_ptr) cinfo->entropy;
  int p1 = 1 << cinfo->Al;	/* 1 in the bit position being coded */
  int blkn;
  JBLOCKROW block;

  /* Process restart marker if needed; may have to suspend */
  if (cinfo->restart_interval) {
    if (entropy->restarts_to_go == 0)
      if (! process_restart(cinfo))
	return FALSE;

  /* Load up working state */

  /* Outer loop handles each block in the MCU */

  for (blkn = 0; blkn < cinfo->blocks_in_MCU; blkn++) {
    block = MCU_data[blkn];

    /* Encoded data is simply the next bit of the two's-complement DC value */
    CHECK_BIT_BUFFER(br_state, 1, return FALSE);
    if (GET_BITS(1))
      (*block)[0] |= p1;
    /* Note: since we use |=, repeating the assignment later is safe */

  /* Completed MCU, so update state */

  /* Account for restart interval (no-op if not using restarts) */

  return TRUE;

 * MCU decoding for AC successive approximation refinement scan.

decode_mcu_AC_refine (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, JBLOCKROW *MCU_data)
  phuff_entropy_ptr entropy = (phuff_entropy_ptr) cinfo->entropy;
  int Se = cinfo->Se;
  int p1 = 1 << cinfo->Al;	/* 1 in the bit position being coded */
  int m1 = (-1) << cinfo->Al;	/* -1 in the bit position being coded */
  register int s, k, r;
  unsigned int EOBRUN;
  JBLOCKROW block;
  JCOEFPTR thiscoef;
  d_derived_tbl * tbl;
  int num_newnz;
  int newnz_pos[DCTSIZE2];

  /* Process restart marker if needed; may have to suspend */
  if (cinfo->restart_interval) {
    if (entropy->restarts_to_go == 0)
      if (! process_restart(cinfo))
	return FALSE;

  /* Load up working state */
  EOBRUN = entropy->saved.EOBRUN; /* only part of saved state we care about */

  /* There is always only one block per MCU */
  block = MCU_data[0];
  tbl = entropy->ac_derived_tbl;

  /* If we are forced to suspend, we must undo the assignments to any newly
   * nonzero coefficients in the block, because otherwise we'd get confused
   * next time about which coefficients were already nonzero.
   * But we need not undo addition of bits to already-nonzero coefficients;
   * instead, we can test the current bit position to see if we already did it.
  num_newnz = 0;

  /* initialize coefficient loop counter to start of band */
  k = cinfo->Ss;

  if (EOBRUN == 0) {
    for (; k <= Se; k++) {
      HUFF_DECODE(s, br_state, tbl, goto undoit, label3);
      r = s >> 4;
      s &= 15;
      if (s) {
	if (s != 1)		/* size of new coef should always be 1 */
        CHECK_BIT_BUFFER(br_state, 1, goto undoit);
        if (GET_BITS(1))
	  s = p1;		/* newly nonzero coef is positive */
	  s = m1;		/* newly nonzero coef is negative */
      } else {
	if (r != 15) {
	  EOBRUN = 1 << r;	/* EOBr, run length is 2^r + appended bits */
	  if (r) {
	    CHECK_BIT_BUFFER(br_state, r, goto undoit);
	    r = GET_BITS(r);
	    EOBRUN += r;
	  break;		/* rest of block is handled by EOB logic */
	/* note s = 0 for processing ZRL */
      /* Advance over already-nonzero coefs and r still-zero coefs,
       * appending correction bits to the nonzeroes.  A correction bit is 1
       * if the absolute value of the coefficient must be increased.
      do {
	thiscoef = *block + jpeg_natural_order[k];
	if (*thiscoef != 0) {
	  CHECK_BIT_BUFFER(br_state, 1, goto undoit);
	  if (GET_BITS(1)) {
	    if ((*thiscoef & p1) == 0) { /* do nothing if already changed it */
	      if (*thiscoef >= 0)
		*thiscoef += p1;
		*thiscoef += m1;
	} else {
	  if (--r < 0)
	    break;		/* reached target zero coefficient */
      } while (k <= Se);
      if (s) {
	int pos = jpeg_natural_order[k];
	/* Output newly nonzero coefficient */
	(*block)[pos] = (JCOEF) s;
	/* Remember its position in case we have to suspend */
	newnz_pos[num_newnz++] = pos;

  if (EOBRUN > 0) {
    /* Scan any remaining coefficient positions after the end-of-band
     * (the last newly nonzero coefficient, if any).  Append a correction
     * bit to each already-nonzero coefficient.  A correction bit is 1
     * if the absolute value of the coefficient must be increased.
    for (; k <= Se; k++) {
      thiscoef = *block + jpeg_natural_order[k];
      if (*thiscoef != 0) {
	CHECK_BIT_BUFFER(br_state, 1, goto undoit);
	if (GET_BITS(1)) {
	  if ((*thiscoef & p1) == 0) { /* do nothing if already changed it */
	    if (*thiscoef >= 0)
	      *thiscoef += p1;
	      *thiscoef += m1;
    /* Count one block completed in EOB run */

  /* Completed MCU, so update state */
  entropy->saved.EOBRUN = EOBRUN; /* only part of saved state we care about */

  /* Account for restart interval (no-op if not using restarts) */

  return TRUE;

  /* Re-zero any output coefficients that we made newly nonzero */
  while (num_newnz > 0)
    (*block)[newnz_pos[--num_newnz]] = 0;

  return FALSE;

 * Module initialization routine for progressive Huffman entropy decoding.

jinit_phuff_decoder (j_decompress_ptr cinfo)
  phuff_entropy_ptr entropy;
  int *coef_bit_ptr;
  int ci, i;

  entropy = (phuff_entropy_ptr)
    (*cinfo->mem->alloc_small) ((j_common_ptr) cinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE,
  cinfo->entropy = (struct jpeg_entropy_decoder *) entropy;
  entropy->pub.start_pass = start_pass_phuff_decoder;

  /* Mark derived tables unallocated */
  for (i = 0; i < NUM_HUFF_TBLS; i++) {
    entropy->derived_tbls[i] = NULL;

  /* Create progression status table */
  cinfo->coef_bits = (int (*)[DCTSIZE2])
    (*cinfo->mem->alloc_small) ((j_common_ptr) cinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE,
  coef_bit_ptr = & cinfo->coef_bits[0][0];
  for (ci = 0; ci < cinfo->num_components; ci++) 
    for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE2; i++)
      *coef_bit_ptr++ = -1;

#endif /* D_PROGRESSIVE_SUPPORTED */[/size]
Last edited by doga-1494 on Sun Mar 29, 2015 9:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: JPEG SOF-2 Progressive Mode Decoding

Post by andymc »

I wonder, does JPEG Huffman coding use the same Huffman algorithm as the COMPRESS (gzip) algorithm? If so, I've already basically coded that for use in a Visopsys compression library. I just haven't included that stuff in a release yet, since it wasn't totally finished as a compression library.
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Re: JPEG SOF-2 Progressive Mode Decoding

Post by doga-1494 »

andymc wrote:I wonder, does JPEG Huffman coding use the same Huffman algorithm as the COMPRESS (gzip) algorithm? If so, I've already basically coded that for use in a Visopsys compression library. I just haven't included that stuff in a release yet, since it wasn't totally finished as a compression library.
i'm not sure about that :?: :| :)
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Re: JPEG SOF-2 Progressive Mode Decoding

Post by doga-1494 »

andymc wrote:I wonder, does JPEG Huffman coding use the same Huffman algorithm as the COMPRESS (gzip) algorithm? If so, I've already basically coded that for use in a Visopsys compression library. I just haven't included that stuff in a release yet, since it wasn't totally finished as a compression library. ... ess-gzip-a

according to that link.
According to WikiPedia it is: ... plications

Huffman coding today is often used as a "back-end" to some other compression methods. DEFLATE (PKZIP's algorithm) and multimedia codecs such as JPEG [...]
Deflate/PKZIP is pretty much the same as GZIP (LZ77 + Huffman).

Short answer: NO. Long answer: It depends upon what part of the process yo are talking about. The the underling principles are the same but JPEG and PNG do Huffman coding differently. The major difference in how they encode the Huffman tables. The encoding of bits within the stream is the same.
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Re: JPEG SOF-2 Progressive Mode Decoding

Post by andymc »

Ok, well, good to know that the general idea is pretty much the same, at least. Encoding the Huffman tables has different methods even within the DEFLATE spec.

Now I just have to get back to finishing that library, one of these days ;)
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Re: JPEG SOF-2 Progressive Mode Decoding

Post by doga-1494 »

andymc wrote:Ok, well, good to know that the general idea is pretty much the same, at least. Encoding the Huffman tables has different methods even within the DEFLATE spec.

Now I just have to get back to finishing that library, one of these days ;)
I found that progressive method is changed in SOS.
So i implemented some parts of it into kernelimagejpg.

I'm not expert on this since i'm still trying to understand how the mechanism is working.

I guess SOS part is starting after detection of whether it is sof0 or sof2 ...

(a code snip from ... der.cs?r=2)

Code: Select all

 case JPEGMarker.SOS:

                       Debug.WriteLine("Start of Scan (SOS)");

                        // SOS non-SOF Marker - Start Of Scan Marker, this is where the
                        // actual data is stored in a interlaced or non-interlaced with
                        // from 1-4 components of color data, if three components most
                        // likely a YCrCb model, this is a fairly complex process.

                        // Read in the scan length.
                        ushort scanLen = jpegReader.ReadShort();
                        // Number of components in the scan.
                        byte numberOfComponents = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                        byte[] componentSelector = new byte[numberOfComponents];

                        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfComponents; i++)
                            // Component ID, packed byte containing the Id for the
                            // AC table and DC table.
                            byte componentID = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                            byte tableInfo = jpegReader.ReadByte();

                            int DC = (tableInfo >> 4) & 0x0f;
                            int AC = (tableInfo) & 0x0f; 


                            componentSelector[i] = componentID;

                        byte startSpectralSelection = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                        byte endSpectralSelection = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                        byte successiveApproximation = jpegReader.ReadByte();

                        #region Baseline JPEG Scan Decoding

                        if (!progressive)
                            frame.DecodeScanBaseline(numberOfComponents, componentSelector, resetInterval, jpegReader, ref marker);
                            haveMarker = true; // use resultant marker for the next switch(..)


                        #region Progressive JPEG Scan Decoding

                        if (progressive)
                                successiveApproximation, startSpectralSelection, endSpectralSelection,
                                numberOfComponents, componentSelector, resetInterval, jpegReader, ref marker);

                            haveMarker = true; // use resultant marker for the next switch(..)



and implemention of mine yet.

Code: Select all

	case JPG_SOS:
					// A start-of-scan marker is here

						if (progressive == 0)
                           // frame.DecodeScanBaseline(numberOfComponents, componentSelector, resetInterval, jpegReader, ref marker);
						  jpg->scanHeader = (jpgScanHeader *)(imageFileData + count1 + 1);
						jpg->scanHeader->length = kernelProcessorSwap16(jpg->scanHeader->length);
						jpg->dataPointer =imageFileData + count1 + 1 + jpg->scanHeader->length;
						kernelDebug(debug_misc, "Start-of-scan at %d length %u", count1,jpg->scanHeader->length);
						count1 = count1 + jpg->scanHeader->length;
        /*     // Set the decode function for all the components
            for (int compIndex = 0; compIndex < numberOfComponents; compIndex++)
											header         header->length        pointer
                JpegComponent comp = Scan.GetComponentById(componentSelector[compIndex]);
                comp.Decode = comp.DecodeBaseline;
            } */

						if (progressive == 1)
   // frame.DecodeScanProgressive(successiveApproximation, startSpectralSelection, endSpectralSelection,numberOfComponents, componentSelector, resetInterval, jpegReader, ref marker);
						jpg->scanHeader = (jpgScanHeader *)(imageFileData + count1 + 1);
						jpg->scanHeader->length = kernelProcessorSwap16(jpg->scanHeader->length);
						jpg->dataPointer =imageFileData + count1 + 1 + jpg->scanHeader->length;
						kernelDebug(debug_misc, "Start-of-scan at %d length %u", count1,jpg->scanHeader->length);
					kernelError(kernel_error, "Progressive Image detected""..");
						count1 = count1 + jpg->scanHeader->length;

						//typedef unsigned char       BYTE;
						 // jpg->scanHeader->length = kernelProcessorSwap16(jpg->scanHeader->length);
                        // byte numberOfComponents = jpg->scanHeader->length;
                        // byte[] componentSelector = new byte[numberOfComponents];
						// byte startSpectralSelection = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                        // byte endSpectralSelection = jpegReader.ReadByte();
                        // byte successiveApproximation = jpegReader.ReadByte();
            // byte successiveHigh = (byte)(successiveApproximation >> 4);
            // byte successiveLow = (byte)(successiveApproximation & 0x0f);

            // if ((startSpectralSelection > endSpectralSelection) || (endSpectralSelection > 63))
                // throw new Exception("Bad spectral selection.");

            // bool dcOnly = startSpectralSelection == 0;
            // bool refinementScan = (successiveHigh != 0);

            // if (dcOnly) // DC scan
            // {
                // if (endSpectralSelection != 0)
                    // throw new Exception("Bad spectral selection for DC only scan.");
            // }
            // else // AC scan
            // {
                // if (numberOfComponents > 1)
                    // throw new Exception("Too many components for AC scan!");
            // }

            // Set the decode function for all the components
            // TODO: set this for the scan and let the component figure it out
            // for (int compIndex = 0; compIndex < numberOfComponents; compIndex++)
            // {
                // JpegComponent comp = Scan.GetComponentById(componentSelector[compIndex]);

                // comp.successiveLow = successiveLow;

                // if (dcOnly)
                // {
                    // if (refinementScan) // DC refine
                        // comp.Decode = comp.DecodeDCRefine;
                    // else  //               DC first
                        // comp.Decode = comp.DecodeDCFirst;
                // }
                // else
                // {
                    // comp.spectralStart = startSpectralSelection;
                    // comp.spectralEnd = endSpectralSelection;

                    // if (refinementScan) // AC refine
                        // comp.Decode = comp.DecodeACRefine;
                    // else  //               AC first
                        // comp.Decode = comp.DecodeACFirst;
                // }
            // }
the blocked lines in the code are copied pasted from other mechanism that i gave the link above.
and i'm still working on it to understand which part of it comply with our implementation.

and progressive boolean is setting on SOF2
(since C doesn't have boolean , i'm using 1 for true , 0 for false)

Code: Select all

case JPG_SOF2:
				progressive = 1;
						  // A frame header is here
								 jpg->frameHeader =(jpgFrameHeader *)(imageFileData + count1 + 1);
								 jpg->frameHeader->length =kernelProcessorSwap16(jpg->frameHeader->length);
								 if (jpg->frameHeader->precision != 8)
								kernelError(kernel_error, "Only 8bpp JPEGs are supported ""(this is %d)", jpg->frameHeader->precision);
								return (status = ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED);
								 jpg->frameHeader->height =kernelProcessorSwap16(jpg->frameHeader->height);
								 jpg->frameHeader->width =kernelProcessorSwap16(jpg->frameHeader->width);
								 if (jpg->frameHeader->numComps != 3)
								kernelError(kernel_error, "Only 3-component JPEGs are ""supported");
								return (status = ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED);
								 count1 += jpg->frameHeader->length;

i couldn't port the code into our implementation, so in short (if progressive) parts doing same for now :/
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Re: JPEG SOF-2 Progressive Mode Decoding [NEW INFO]

Post by doga-1494 »

i guess progressive scanning only thing we need to add, it has to be added into SOS, not into decode() , while the for loop is working, it should scan the image as progressive , but i couldn't port the codes into visopsys because i don't understand what technical words means.
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Re: JPEG SOF-2 Progressive Mode Decoding [NEW INFO]

Post by andymc »

I can provide the Visopsys compression library code, if that helps. As I said, it's still a work in progress, but it has Huffman coding.
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