Visopsys featured on OSFirstTimer

General discussion about Visopsys.
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Visopsys featured on OSFirstTimer

Post by 12padams »

Just an hour ago Visopsys was featured on OSFirstTimer. OSFirstTimer is a series in which a 40 year old mother attempts to use an operating system (a new one in every episode) to complete certain tasks such as "calculate 15/48". Throughout the videos a live review is given as well as a final conclusion at the end of the video.

OSFirstTimer videos usually get a minimum of 10,000 views after a month and some videos have 100,000's of views so often when an OS is featured the website containing the operating system gets a lot of traffic. (just a warning in case this site goes slow for a while).

Anyway when looking at the video note that both praise and constructive criticism is given. All videos are unbiased (except for the first few episodes when the channel evolved from pure hate of the metro design in windows 8) so operating systems are not unfairly promoted on this channel.

I wish you the best of luck with continued development of Visopsys.
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Re: Visopsys featured on OSFirstTimer

Post by ap0r »

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Re: Visopsys featured on OSFirstTimer

Post by ap0r »

Okay! So, i checked out your video, saw a fellow Visopsyser in the comments.. i liked what i saw, you and your mum made some good points!

Clock: Maybe it should be enabled by default! :D - Shouldn't be hard!
Picture Previews: Anyone working on that?
Drawn/Photoreal Icons: Liss was porting consistent Icon packs, or am i wrong?
Window Menu: I like it... what do you guys think about the idea? The time you save single-clicking stuff does add up :D - The bubbles idea is not bad, pretty unique I think... altough not very easy to implement.
Transparent window moving being disorientating: Do you ever move more than one window at a time? How can that be disorienting??? I see no problem at all with that... I agree with your mom, most of us don't have the memory of a fish :P
TODO: Add horizontal scrollbars to the Program viewer :oops:
TODO: Add WebBrowser. Should be So Easy and Simple! hahahaha! - Now seriously... Is that a Priority or what? I mean, any modern OS should be able to use Internet! Even a really basic web browser should be enough to begin with!
Logout-Shutdown-Reboot - Makes sense to me too. I might work on that :)
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Re: Visopsys featured on OSFirstTimer

Post by 12padams »

I'm glad you are taking our advice and considering following through with the ideas. It often takes a 3rd party to critically judge a product from a different/average user perspective.

Good luck with future visopsys development!
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Re: Visopsys featured on OSFirstTimer

Post by andymc »

Thanks for doing the video, it's quite cute.

I only got to watch the first few minutes of it today, since I'm on holiday, but I asked my girlfriend (who's never actually tried the OS - ha!) about the clock thing, and she agreed with you. I guess it's true, I always expect to be able to look at my computer and know the time. We should change that clock program, so that it goes somewhere better than that bottom corner, all by itself. Maybe up in the top right with the root window taskbar, or somewhere more clever.
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Re: Visopsys featured on OSFirstTimer

Post by 12padams »

I don't have anything against having it in that bottom corner. The only thing we commented on was it not being opened by default when the OS is first installed. Yes you can tick that box to keep it there on startup but that should be ticked from the get go when visopsys is installed.

Great OS for a hobby project none the less... way better than I could even Imagine doing myself.

P.S In 36 hours the video already has 4,500 views. Has there been increased traffic to your site recently?

P.P.S Its been 3 days and the OSFirstTimer video is now the most viewed visopsys video on youtube with over 6,000 views. The second most viewed visopsys video was uploaded 2 years ago and doesn't even have 700 views yet.
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Re: Visopsys featured on OSFirstTimer

Post by andymc »

I finally got a chance to sit down and watch this properly, all the way through. You and your mum are very entertaining :lol: thanks for doing this.

Everyone always hates on my icons :oops: what can I say - I'm not a graphics designer. But, I take your point, for sure. It would be great to have some slick icons with a theme, but on the other hand it's difficult to select a 'set' that meets all our needs, is free, etc. Up until now I've just done it myself, as best I could.

I agree about the 'Window' menu; it was always a bit naff, but it was a compromise between the 'finder'-type Apple system and the Windows taskbar/start menu thing, I thought. I like the dock system idea.

Ultimately, I have a whole different paradigm in mind, but I spend most of my time doing hardware driver stuff, and haven't had the chance to start implementing my idea. I wanted to try out something that isn't a 'desktop', but something visually more like a city or town. Think old Sim City games. A lot of what we do on computers is analogous to what we might do in real life, in our neighborhoods. It might be a bit too cutesy, but I'd like to try it and see what people think.

Nowadays I don't track the website statistics (don't even have the tools installed on the server anymore, I don't think). But, I'm sure your video is helping to spread the word :clap: Thanks again.

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Re: Visopsys featured on OSFirstTimer

Post by ivan »

Wow, I seen some OsFirstTimer videos before, now a mum using and analize Visopsys? Looks interesting, tomorrow I will watch the video. :D
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Re: Visopsys featured on OSFirstTimer

Post by ivan »

Wow, this video review already has 15.253 views. It is a great way for more people learn about the Visopsys existence and trying it. Thanks to Philip Adams and his mom Diana. You make a good work! :clap:
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